Truck drivers understand fuel costs drastically affect their bottom lines. They worry about fluctuating fuel prices and environmental regulations that could impact their businesses. Maximizing fuel efficiency is a priority, but drivers may not know where to start. The following tips are of help.
Optimal Speeds
Truckers may look for fuel discounts for truckers to keep their costs down. Doing so makes sense, but there are easier steps they can take to keep fuel costs down. The speed of the vehicle impacts fuel efficiency. If drivers keep the truck speed between 55 and 65 mph, they can increase fuel efficiency. Research shows slowing from 75 mph to 65 mph reduces fuel consumption by as much as 20 percent. Cruise control can help drivers maintain consistent speeds to minimize engine wear while maximizing fuel efficiency.
Maintaining the vehicle will ensure it performs optionally, which helps keep fuel costs down. Regular inspections will alert the driver to wear on the engine, which can decrease performance and fuel efficiency. Properly inflated tires increase fuel efficiency, and drivers should have their tires aligned periodically. Clean air and fuel filters will improve airflow and reduce fuel consumption.
Many drivers never stop to consider the aerodynamics of the truck. They consider fuel economy when choosing which model to buy and assume aerodynamics plays a role in this economy. However, they can take steps once they purchase the truck to minimize air resistance and reduce fuel consumption. If the truck doesn’t come equipped with roof and tail fairings or side skirts, the driver should look into having these items added. Streamlined mirrors can also help minimize fuel usage. Features like these may reduce drag by up to 25 percent on a highway run.
Planned Routes
Truck drivers must map out their routes to get the best fuel efficiency. Doing so benefits them in other ways, as well. For example, a well-planned route allows them to use less fuel while enhancing delivery efficiency. Delays become less of a concern. Drivers need to use advanced GPS systems to ensure the best route is selected. These systems will help them find the route with the least traffic and the fewest stops.
Idle Reduction
When trucks idle, they consume fuel. The truck isn’t moving, so it isn’t making the company money, leading to the need for idle reduction strategies. Drivers can use many tools to reduce idle time, including automatic engine shutdown and startup systems or battery-powered HVAC systems. The automatic shutdown system can save hundreds of gallons of fuel yearly for each truck in a fleet. Multiply the savings by the number of trucks and see why this system is so beneficial.
Load Management
Truck drivers must plan their loads to reduce fuel consumption and improve operational efficiency. A properly-managed load increases the stability of the vehicle, lowering fuel usage. Operations become more economical and profitable when the cargo is evenly distributed and the vehicle isn’t overloaded.
Driving Training
Drivers must be trained to use fuel-efficient driving practices. This simple step is one of the easiest ways to improve fuel economy without spending large sums of money. Progressive shifting and anticipatory driving are two techniques every driver should use when behind the wheel.
Truck drivers must understand the profitability and sustainability of their organizations depend on effective fuel management. These tips are an excellent starting point. They can be combined with fuel discounts and other strategies to increase fuel efficiency and improve the trucking companies’ bottom lines.